Customizing the appearance of dialog boxes

The dialog box layouts for objects, commands, and behaviors are specified as HTML forms, in HTML files in the Configuration directory in the Dreamweaver application directory. You can edit those forms using Dreamweaver; see Forms overview.

To change the appearance of a dialog box:

1 Find the appropriate .htm file in Configuration/Objects or Configuration/Commands or Configuration/Behaviors.
2 Make a copy of the file, somewhere other than the Configuration folder.
3 Open the copy in Dreamweaver, edit the form, and save the copy.
4 Quit Dreamweaver.
5 Copy the changed copy back to the Configuration folder, in place of the original. (It's a good idea to first make a backup of the original, so you can restore it later if you need to.)
6 Launch Dreamweaver again to see the changes.

You should change only the appearance of the dialog box, not how it works; it still must contain the same types of form elements, with the same names, so that the information that Dreamweaver obtains from the dialog box can still be used in the same way.

For example, the Comment object takes text input from a text area in a dialog box, then uses a simple JavaScript function to turn that text into an HTML comment that inserts it into your document. The form that describes the dialog box is in Configuration/Objects/Invisibles/Comment.htm. You can open that file and change the size and other attributes of the text area, but if you remove the TEXTAREA tag entirely, or change the value of its NAME attribute, the Comment object will no longer work properly.